Via di Santo Stefano Rotondo, 7
Opening Hours:
October to March: Tues. to Sunday 9:30 - 12:30; 14:00 - 17:00.
April to September: Tues. to Sunday 9:30 - 12:30; 15:00 - 18:00
Built in the 5th century with a circular shape. The church originally had its columns arranged in two concentric circles, but during restorations in the 15th century the outer circle of columns was walled in. the frescoes of martyrs scenes are by Pomarancio and Tempesta.
Noteworthy are an antique marble seat said to have been the Episcopal throne of Gregory the Great and a 7th century mosaic in the chapel of Saints Primus and Felician.
Recent excavations beneath the pavement have uncovered ruins of a 2nd – 3rd century Mithraeum.
Built in the 5th century with a circular shape. The church originally had its columns arranged in two concentric circles, but during restorations in the 15th century the outer circle of columns was walled in. the frescoes of martyrs scenes are by Pomarancio and Tempesta.
Noteworthy are an antique marble seat said to have been the Episcopal throne of Gregory the Great and a 7th century mosaic in the chapel of Saints Primus and Felician.
Recent excavations beneath the pavement have uncovered ruins of a 2nd – 3rd century Mithraeum.