Travelers that wish to visit Rome has to remember that the visit of Saint Peter Basilica can be difficult, while the Vatican museums are closed on April 2nd.
The liturgical calendar and activities of the Pope in 2018 Easter week :
Palm Sunday and Passion of the Lord
Saint Peter's Square, at 9:30: PAPAL MASS
at 12:00 Angelus
Tuesday March 29th
Holy Thursday
Vatican Basilica, at 9:30 Chrismal Mass
Basilica of Saint John Lateran, at 17.30: PAPAL MASS
Beginning of the Paschal Triduum, Mass of the Lord's Supper
Saint Peter Basilica will be closed to visitors in the morning
Friday March 30th
Good Friday
Vatican Basilica, at 17:00: PAPAL MASS
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
Colosseum, at 21:15: Way of the Cross
Colosseum close around 1:00pm
Saint Peter Basilica will close to visitors at 1.00pm
Saturday March 31st
Holy Saturday
Vatican Basilica, at 21:00: PAPAL MASS
Easter Vigil
Sunday April 1st
Easter Sunday
Saint Peter's Square, at 10:15: Holy Mass of the Day
Central Loggia of the Vatican Basilica, at 12:00: "Urbi et Orbi" Message and Blessing
Monday April 2nd
Central Loggia of the Vatican Basilica, at 12:00
Regina Coeli