In the middle of the countryside, there was a much-venerated image of Virgin Mary painted on a medieval tower.
A wayfarer on his way to Rome was attacked by a pack of rabid dogs. He saw the Votive image, prayed Virgin Mary and cried for help. Immediately the dogs calmed down and fled into the countryside.
The news of the miracle soon spread out and faithful to the sanctuary constantly increased. The Pope Bendict XIV built a sanctuary by the tower where the holy image is preserved. Folk pilgrimages continue today.
The walk proceed along the Old Appian Way, pass the Domine Quo Vadis church, proceed by the Catacombs of San Callisto, the Mausoleum of the Ardeatin Caves ‘Fosse Ardeatine’ , and continue along the via Ardeatina ending at the Sanctuary. The foot pilgrimage covers a distance of about 15 kilometers.